Team Building

 “When an organization wants to improve collective performance and success."

 “When an individual is ready to surpass their expectations.”


  • Turn your group into a team of people, organized to work together interdependently and cooperatively.

  • 80% of the success of a group is due to cohesive working relationships, only 20% is  the process - knowing what to do.

  • Taking the participants out of the walls of their normal structured environment into a “outdoor” informal format of activities, allows for uninhibited success.

  • By working as a team, there becomes an understanding of each participants strengths and weaknesses, enabling better choices for the group.

  • People learn to work through challenges that require interactions and mutual cooperation, allowing  them to accomplish their objectives.

  • Program empowers enthusiastic and motivational atmosphere  giving a new energy to the participants.


Kris Maher of the Wall Street Journal describes the 3 fundamental conditions that must exist for a Team Building program to be successful.

  1. The activities must be based in fun but structured to help the group become an effective team.

  2. The activities must be facilitated by a trained individual so that a positive outcome can be custom designed for each group.

  3. Both the participants and the organizations must receive feedback in which to analyze the experience, for the impact to continue following the event.  Turn your group into a team of people organized to work together interdependently and cooperatively. 

Core Activities are set up specifically to incorporate these fundamental elements but your program can also include:

  • Set up a Native American Tipi

  • Accomplish the Art of Fire making

  • Construction Project

  • Outdoor Cooking

  • Gardening

  • Canoeing

  • Horseback Riding


Contact us to custom design your session to meet the needs of your group.

Length of time for the program - One Day / Weekend / Extended 

Minimum participants 6 / Maximum 25

Our Team Building Program was designed for groups of people who work together but also can be used for clubs and teams of college and high school students.

Camp Tonkawa's Team Building Program offers an unforgettable, life changing experience for each participant!

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