Scouting Programs
Upcoming 2025 Dates : Feb 22-23 / March 22-23rd / Oct 25-26
Other dates can be scheduled for your Scout troops to earn any of the Primitive and Wilderness Survival badges.
Length of Time: Begins Sat Morning at 9:30 and ending Sunday Afternoon at 2:30 pm
or for the BSA: Friday night thru Sunday morning (you provide all your meals)
Cost: $65
Construction Shelter
Fire by Friction
Blowing the tinder bundle to life.
Class Description
At any time, anywhere, things can go wrong and you might find yourself in a survival situation. You can survive 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. To stay alive, you must find or build a shelter, obtain safe drinking water, start a fire and gather food. This class is hands on where everyone will learn essential life skills that if never used will build self esteem and self confidence.
Topics include:
cautions in the woods
signaling for help
finding natural shelters
building a debris hut
making cordage
where and how to find and gathering water
water purification methods
building a safe fire knowing its use and proper putting it out
starting a fire with alternate methods. *Fire by Friction is taught in our Fire Camp
Edible Plant walk
Survival Packs - what to have with you
What to bring:
Saturday Dinner will be provided. Bring your own lunches, and Sunday breakfast.
Eating utensils, plate, bowl, cup (please do not bring any disposables)
Water bottle refillable
Tent, if you do not plan on sleeping in your debris shelter
Sleeping bag, pad
Notebook, pencils
Vegetarian Fare Available, like at all of our camps, just let us know.
NOTE: This class meets requirements needed for:
The Boy Scouts of America Wilderness Survival Merit Badge
Webelo Scouts can earn Cast Away, and choose another badge to do the weekend also.
Cadette & Senior Girl Scout Interest Projects "Outdoor Survival"