Breathe AIR
Use all your senses to Connect with Nature
Upcoming 2025 Dates: April 12-13th / October 4-5th
Costs: $50 scouts / $60 adults
Length of Time: Saturday 9:30am - Sunday 2:30pm
Smelling Herbs and researching their uses.
Let’s go fly a kite.
Yoga with nature allows us to watch the clouds.
Using our sense of touch to connect with trees.
Class Description
In this weekend camp experience, participants will heighten their senses to make a strong connection with our Natural World.
Look at our ever-changing weather effects us daily. Learn how we monitor wind direction & speed.
Sounds, what is music to pollution to our ears. Learn camp songs.
Bird study as they travel through the air, playing an interactive migration journey game. Basic bird songs and calls that help us identify species in our area.
Bat study with fun activity learning about echolocation and their keen sense of smell. Learn which Bats are in Texas.
Learn about the wonderful diversity of Trees and uses of aromatic Herbs.
Cautions and pollution indicators in the woods. Healthy living practices.
Poems on nature with emphasis on Haiku writing.
Crafts that help us understand air movement.
Yoga breathing and stretching session.
Bring your own lunches and breakfast.
Dinner Saturday night will be provided and used as teaching time to cook healthy foods.
Girl Scouts coming to earn their It's Your Planet Love It Journey will need to do a Take Action project Sunday after lunch to complete the requirements for this rank. Families that attend can plant a tree or help with a projects, teaching Community Service to their children.