2023 Dates: Dec 9-10
Great for large groups, call to schedule. (homeschooling families,
Girl Scout Service Units, Cub Scout families)
Costs: Children $55 (15 and under) / Adults $65 - Large group rate available.
Length of Time: Camp begins on Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. and goes through Sunday 2:30 p.m.
Sarah’s pet snake
Killdeer eggs
Texas Yoad
Class Description
When you are walking in the woods, and then happen to see any kind of wildlife, your heart seams to burst with joy and excitement. This camp will be a study on the two-legged, four-legged and the six-legged creatures that are in our area of North Texas.
Topics to be covered:
Learn about each of Texas' Wildlife symbols: Armadillo, Pecan, Monarch, Bluebonnet, etc.
Be able to identify the cautions in the woods (plant & animals)
Investigate what animals eat, where they live, and how they communicate
Recognize various kinds of animal tracks
Identify plants and learn their values
Explore birds and their habitats
Pond Fishing
Classify living things
Understand the laws that protect wildlife
Learn how chemicals affect the ecosystem
Each camper will need to bring a sketch book to create or add to an existing nature journal plus pencils, and any fishing gear that they have. Bring your own camping gear ie, tent, sleeping bag, water bottle, and lunches. Also, plate, bowl, mug, eating utensils (please no disposables). Dinner Saturday night and breakfast Sunday will be provided. Vegetarian Fare Available. Camp chairs, flashlights, camera, air mattress, and insect repellent are optional but nice to have. Also a musical instrument to play around the campfire. We have a swimming pond, so bring provisions if it is the warm part of the year.
NOTE: This class meets requirements for
Girl Scouts both Junior and Cadette & Senior Wildlife
Boy Scouts will work on the following merit badges, Reptile & Amphibian Study, Mammal Study, Fishing, Bird Study, Nature (let us know which ones you are working on and we will help you.)
Brownie Girl Scouts Try-It Watching wildlife - ***Younger scouts not coming as a troop must have a parent in attendance.
NOTE : All classes have a minimum number of registrants to make or sorry to say it will be cancelled. So bring your friends and tell everyone you know.
Large Family Rates are available; please call April at 940-440-8382 for details.